Community Guidelines

Welcome to the Frndo community! This is a safe space to participate in fun with friends.

We want everyone who is a part of our community and have their voice heard.

We encourage your feedback and aim to respond to your comments when we can. While we do moderate this community, we welcome open discussion.

However, this is a private site and we reserve the right to moderate it as we see fit, we have no legal obligation or incentive to keep anyone who isn't a good fit on here. It is unlikely we will reverse a ban, as you must have done something to warrant it so please make sure you understand these guidelines.

To help everyone enjoy our community, we ask that when you post/comment/create anything, you keep in mind the following:

TL;DR - Don't be a dick and don't cause the site grief.

If you a question about a product or service of ours, please get in touch via your point of contact.
